Kiran Said Yes! Sunrise Beach Proposal in Puerto Rico

A few months before his visit from Brooklyn, Jonathan reached out to me to help him with his marriage proposal in Puerto Rico. He told me he was interested in proposing to Kiran on a beach in Aguadilla, and we immediately jumped into planning mode. After some back-and-forth regarding proposal places in Puerto Rico (as is typical with all anxious boyfriends ready to propose), we settled on Aguadilla's secret beach.

Proposal Photos During a Storm Watch

Two days before their proposal photoshoot, I turn on the news and... surprise! A storm watch was in place for the night before our session. Uncertain on how the situation would carry out, I put myself in contact with Jonathan, and we talked about a plan B later in the day. Luckily, although storm Isaias did bring a lot of destructive rain, the sky cleared just in time for me to travel to Aguadilla without any complications. 

Weather Backup Plan for Proposals in Puerto Rico

I like to mention these minor setbacks because many clients have weather concerns before booking, mostly since Puerto Rico happens to be in a sweet-spot for hurricanes and tropical storms. If it's rainy or stormy, we'll make a back-up plan. Still, tropical weather is incredibly unpredictable, and you could easily have a beautiful photo session the morning after a storm.

Rainy days give out the best sunsets... or sunrises!

Sun's up, and surf's up!

Kiran likes taking walks at sunrise, the main reason behind Jonathan's idea of proposing in the morning. This particular beach is nothing out of the ordinary (for an Island girl, at least) at face value. But at sunrise, it's a whole different story. The light and the waves crashing right at your feet makes it a perfect place to propose. The thing is, it's used mainly by surfers, so we had an audience that morning!

A Successful Proposal and Portraits in Puerto Rico

After a 2-hour road trip from the metro area, I arrived a bit earlier than our appointed time to settle and find the perfect spot for Jonathan to take the knee. I took a towel out, sat on that ideal location, and waited for the happy couple. Even with the beach's relaxing ambiance and the surfers training on the horizon, it's quite nerve-wracking to wait for the couple. I get as anxious as if I was the one about to propose. Eventually, Jonathan and Kiran arrived, and as instructed by me, Jonathan did a few laps along the coast before approaching my zone. Doing a few walks helps them ease out on the nerves and slows down the proposal process. 

He proposed, she said yes, and after a few minutes of hugs and celebration, I approached them and said hi! I congratulated the happy couple and let Kiran know we would be doing a small photo session on the beach before they left for their engagement breakfast. The morning was fabulous, and the beach looked incredible under the morning light, so we got very creative and tried out all the angles and ideas. After a successful engagement photo session, we walked back to our cars, and all left for breakfast with the biggest of smiles on our faces. I hope you enjoy this set as much as I loved capturing it for these delightful lovebirds.



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Surprise Proposal Photography



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