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San Juan Engagements

A Happy Day in Old San Juan!
Although they have Puerto Rican roots, Zully and Javier don’t live on the Island. That’s why, for their engagement session, they wanted something that reminded them of Puerto Rico. This shoot was done at Old San Juan, El Morro, and the ocean! A Stroll Around the Colorful Streets of Old San Juan for an Engagement…

Michelle & Jonathan’s Beautiful Engagement Portraits at Old San Juan
Michelle and Jonathan visited Puerto Rico for official wedding planning purposes. During that time, besides meeting with vendors and choosing venues, they used the perfect spring weather for having their engagement portraits done in beautiful Old San Juan. Engagement Session with Kids in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico There are no two identical engagement sessions,…

Tashy y Migue en su Divertido Love Story en Viejo San Juan
Nattasha, Miguel y yo nos levantamos BIEN temprano un año atrás para capturar sus fotos Love Story. El reto de hacer sesiones matutinas, es que a veces la pareja no desayuna, aún anda medio dormida, o que la fotógrafa no tiene cara de buenos amigos… Sin embargo, Tashy y Migue son el remedio perfecto para ese malhumor mañanero,…

Engagement Session at Olive Boutique Hotel and Condado Vanderbilt
These two are getting married this week! I first met Stacey & Pietro for their engagement session in Old San Juan, while they were visiting Puerto Rico for wedding planning affairs. Unfortunately, the day we picked for the session was raining a lot. We opted for shooting at their hotel instead: the gorgeous Olive Boutique. We went up…

Hermosa Sesion Love Story en Viejo San Juan
Hace un tiempo atrás, tuve la dicha de compartir un hermoso día con Damaris y Rogelio para su sesión Love Story. Ya que de casados vivirían fuera de Puerto Rico, para ellos era muy importante que los recuerdos de su etapa de compromiso fueran plasmados en uno de los paisajes más hermosos e icónicos que tiene Puerto Rico.…

Love Story Súper Cute en el Castillo San Cristóbal de Viejo San Juan
¡De esas sesiones que el tiempo pasa volando!

Romantic and Candid: Engagement Session in Old San Juan
A beautiful engagement session in Old San Juan.